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5 Steps To Improve Your Site’s Internal SEO

If you own a website, getting traffic is probably one of, if not the biggest goal you have. The more traffic you get, the more leads you’ll capture, and the more products, appointments, bookings, or downloads you will sell. If you’re relying on unique search engine results to generate a large portion of your website traffic and sales, then internal SEO is going to play a big role in this. In case you want to know how to generate more traffic from search engine results on Google, here are 5 steps you can take to improve your site’s internal SEO.

1. Internal Linking

Internal linking means linking to pages on your website from other pages on your website. There is a lot of complexity involved as to how this improves your ranking on Google, but when done correctly, it will. This is because it aids in your website navigation, defines the hierarchy and architecture of your website, and distributes ranking power and page authority throughout your site.

To master the art of internal linking you need to create a lot of content, use anchor text, use deep links that aren’t found on your navigation page, use relevant links that feel natural, use follow links, don’t include TOO many links, and do not place giant blocks of keyword-loaded links at the foot of your site. With these seven tips, you’ll be well on your way to generating as much traffic as possible from your internal linking strategy.

2. Building a Blog

This gives you the perfect spot to produce a lot of keyword-rich, internally linked content that will not only rank well on Google but provide real value to your readers and encourage them to spread your content around. It’s almost impossible to maximize your internal SEO efforts without a blog.

3. Image Optimization

Page load speed has a big impact on your webpage ranking. This is why you need to properly optimize your photos by choosing the correct size and file format. Name your images with keywords and use keywords in the titles, captions, descriptions, and anchor text of your photos as well to improve ranking, just don’t overdo it.

4. Keyword Placement

Fit keywords into sentences as naturally as possible. Three or four-word phrases work better than single words because they tend to be less competitive. You should also put keywords in image captions, image files, body text, H1 tags, meta descriptions, and meta tags. Be careful to vary your keyword usage and avoid harmful keyword cannibalization penalties.

5. Use a Variety of Multimedia

Text isn’t the only thing you can use to improve internal SEO. You should also be adding videos, images, infographics, and other types of multimedia to your website. These things will make your site more engaging and encourage people to spend more time on it, which in turn, will boost your ranking.

Improving Your Internal SEO Isn’t as Hard as It Seems

SEO is important to your site’s success. It is the number one generator of natural, inbound leads. By using these internal SEO tips, you can quickly reap benefits that others aren’t able to because they aren’t aware of certain specifics or are focused too much on branding and storytelling. Putting in the extra effort on internal SEO and following these simple steps will convert into extra, long-term revenue for your business over time.


Marla DiCarlo is an accomplished business consultant with more than 28 years of professional accounting experience. As co-owner and CEO of Raincatcher, she helps business owners learn how to determine the value of a business and how to sell a business so they can get paid the maximum amount for their company.

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