Tired of spending money on SEO. Many businesses have considered this. If you're thinking about price, then maybe SEO is not for you. SEO is strictly for people who want successful results. Worrying about price and how long you can afford to keep doing SEO is a tell tale sign that you need to find a cheaper way to market online. Think about it. If you're getting successful turn over after 3 to 4 months of SEO, why would you end such a good thing that is helping your business?
Big brands don't have to think about the price simply because they can afford it. Then you say to yourself, well I'm not a big brand, but I need some type of marketing what should I do? Here is our advice to you if you want real results and you know those results are going to bring you more business then call LiveWebMedia and sign up for our monthly SEO plan. $600 a month for five keywords is our minimum plan. If you are a business owner and can't afford $600 a month, then social media with Facebook or Google advertising may be your best option. Become active on social media and direct traffic to your site to handle the cost is ideal. Boosting a post is inexpensive and you can target your audience right away. SEO, on the other hand, takes time which means you will be paying monthly for the results. Facebook ads, Google ads and other ads are immediate once you pay and you can control the budget. At anytime you can increase your amount you spend to hit more people or decrease the amount you spend.
SEO is great for specific keywords that your targeted audience is going to be looking for. Each keyword has its own momentum and works differently than the other. Are you ready to jump into the game with the big boys? Take notice that all big brands use SEO as well as ads in order to reach the first page of Google. Cost is obviously not an issue. Results are what they want. So, if you want to compete with these brands, you had better not be worried about price for enough keywords to put some serious weight behind your SEO campaign. Contact us here at LiveWebMedia. We can drive you to page one and get traffic to your website which gives you a better ROI.